Loan For Every Possibility: Voice Your Needs With Mwananchi Credit

Loan For Every Possibility Voice Your Needs With Mwananchi Credit (1)

Life tends to be unpredictable at times, and there is a possibility that you may find yourself in an unexpected situation. Perhaps you may find yourself needing a particular product or require money for a business venture. Whatever the case may be, there are possibilities where you may require extensive funding. The problem that arises here is that many people are salaried employees and may not have the funds necessary for these possibilities. This is why taking loans is an attractive solution as it allows you to get extensive funding in a short time. 

But finding a moneylender for every possibility can be challenging. Sometimes you may require a short loan, and sometimes a more extensive loan. In either case, money lenders are not always willing to understand and provide you with a tailored plan. This is where Mwananchi Credit Ltd. can come in to save the day. We offer loans for every possibility and are willing to present the best one according to your needs. Please keep reading to find out more.

How can Mwananchi Credit Ltd. help with your needs?

Mwananchi Credit Ltd. is an established money lending institution serving various clients throughout Kenya for many years. The testimonials speak for themselves, and the primary reason for this is that we have a loan for every possibility and need. You can voice your needs to us, and we can provide you with a loan optimal to satisfy that need. You can get in touch with us online, and a CR representative will get in touch with you within 30 minutes during hours. Alternatively, you can visit us at any of our branches throughout Kenya, and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

What loans are suitable for each possibility?

While not everyone will be going through the same situation, we have seen some everyday issues that people may face. We will talk about which loans will be suitable for these situations. You can then see which one will fit your unique case if it falls under the listed problems. If not, you can always provide us with details by contacting us, and we will advise you accordingly. Without further delay, let’s get into it.

What loans are suitable for each possibility


Since life is unpredictable, certain situations can occur where you may require emergency cash as fast as possible. This could be anything from your loved one getting into an accident, or a sudden expense may come to light. Whatever the case may be, getting quick cash through a loan can be the only way you can address these emergencies. We understand that time can be of the essence in these situations, and the expenses may tend to be significant in amount. Therefore, we suggest the following loans for this situation:

Logbook Loans

Logbook loans are an excellent option for getting quick cash within only 6 hours. Additionally, you can get amounts varying from 150,000 KES to 25,000,000 KES depending on various factors. These loans are provided against your car as collateral, and so we provide amounts based on the car’s value. These amounts can go up to 90% of the car’s value when typical lenders offer only 30%. We are the number one provider of logbook loans and provide these loans at fantastic terms. This allows you to get an excellent loan amount in a short time while being able to repay it with ease. We offer interest rates as low as 1.6%. You can even get this loan with bad credit history. This makes them ideal in emergencies.

Weekend Loans

Weekend loans are the quickest loan options we have available. With our weekend loans, you can get up to 100,00 KES in under 10 minutes. These loans are designed to be used for weekend plans or urgent expenses, such as in the case of an emergency. This is a small, short-time loan meant to be repaid in a shorter period than usual. However, there are specific criteria you need to fulfill. For starters, this loan is available only for our loyal clients, so you need to be someone who has an existing loan with us.

Buying a car

Most of us have a dream car that we may have our eye on. However, not everyone has the means to afford this car, and it can take quite a while to save up for it. This is why a loan is a viable option to buy a dream car. Of course, buying a vehicle offers many practical benefits as it allows you to commute with relative ease. Some of the loans that help you in purchasing a vehicle are:

Car Finance Loans

Car finance loans are excellent options for those who do not have enough funding to buy a vehicle. Depending on the car you wish to purchase, you can get from 150,000 KES to 25,000,000 KES. You can enjoy a repayment period of up to 24 months and keep the car while you repay the loan. If you are unable to do so, we have the right to repossess the vehicle, so you do not need to provide collateral. We make sure to finish all approval processes as fast as possible so that you can get your dream car.

Car Import Financing

Car import financing is an excellent option for those who want to import their dream car from abroad without any hassle. We offer vehicle import financing at the lowest rate in the market. You can get your dream car at your doorstep within only 45 working days right at your doorstep. You will have to fulfill specific requirements, including making a 30% deposit of the car’s total value.

Business Opportunities

Taking advantage of business opportunities is a great way to improve one’s quality of life. However, when it comes to any business venture, having the necessary capital, resources and funding are required. Typically, this will be initially high, which not many people can afford. This is why taking loans is a viable way to take advantage of any business opportunities you may have your eye on. The following business opportunities can help you in this regard. They are:

Business Opportunities

Import Financing

Like car import financing, import financing allows you to import raw materials, machinery, electronics, and second-hand clothing (Mitumba) from abroad. There are various reasons regarding business opportunities that may require you to do so. For example, if you’re opening a factory, getting machinery from another country with better manufacturing may be required. On the other hand, selling goods that you have imported in Kenya may be an excellent business opportunity for you too. Whatever your reason, import financing can help you take advantage of business opportunities.

Title Deed Loans

Title deed loans allow individuals and small and medium enterprises to obtain the funding necessary to finance a business. In this way, a salaried employee can get a loan against their property deed as collateral. Some specific criteria and requirements need to be fulfilled. Additionally, the amount you get will depend on a range of factors, but usually, this will not exceed more than 40% value of the property. If you are eligible, you can use this loan to finance a business opportunity that you may have had your eye on.

Wrapping up

Certain situations in life may require funding through loans due to not having enough finances. It is difficult for ordinary salaried employees to save up finances in such a short time. We believe that we have all sorts of loans to finance any situation you may find yourself in. We have looked at various possibilities in which our loans can help you out, like emergencies, buying a car and business opportunities. We hope this article has proven insightful and are ready to assist you with any such situation, should you find yourself in one.

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Do You Have A Car To Use As Collateral?

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Logbook Loans - Popup

Logbook Loans

You can obtain up to 25 Million Shilling loan.

Logbook Loans - Not Qualified

You MUST have logbook security in order to take out a logbook loan.

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Check-Off Loans

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You MUST be a civil servant in order to take out a salary check-off loans.

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Are You Planning To Purchase A Car Overseas?

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Import Financing

Import Financing

You can obtain up to 25 Million Shilling loans.

Import Finance - Not Qualified

In order to take out an import Finance Loan, you MUST be importing a car or have logbook security.

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Do you possess a title deed?

Yes, I Have A Title Deed
No, I Don't Have A Title Deed
Title Deed Loans

Title Deed Loans

We offer title deeds loans on commercially developed properties 

Title Deed Loans - Not Qualified

You MUST have title deed security in order to take out a title deed loan.

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Car Financing

Car Financing Kenya

You can obtain up to 25 Million Shilling loans. Apply today!

Car Finance - Not Qualified

You MUST first identify the car you wish to drive in any car yard or showroom in order to apply for car financing.

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You can get up to 25 Million Shillings in loans.

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You MUST be a civil servant in order to take out a salary check-off loans.

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Check-Off Loans

Salary Check-Off Loans

Get Up To 3 Million Today !!!

Import Finance - Not Qualified

In order to take out an import Finance Loan, you MUST be importing a car or have logbook security.

We would like to send you information about our other products if you provide us with your information.

Import Financing

Import Financing

You can obtain up to 25 Million Shilling loans.

Do You Have A Car To Use As Collateral?

Car Financing

Car Financing Kenya

You can obtain up to 25 Million Shilling loans. Apply today!

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