Mwananchi Credit Motorcycle Loans | Apply Today!

Motorcycle loans

There’s something to be said for the freedom of being able to go where you want when you want. And there’s no better way to experience that freedom than on a motorcycle. If you’re looking to buy a motorcycle in Kenya, Mwananchi Credit has the perfect solution – our motorcycle loans! With Mwananchi Credit, you can get the bike you’ve always wanted, without breaking the bank. So what are you waiting for? Apply today!

What is a motorcycle loan in Kenya?

If you’re a business person in Kenya, you know that transportation is key to success. And if you need a motorcycle loan to get your business going, Mwananchi Credit is here to help. We offer competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms, so you can get the money you need and keep your business moving forward. Apply online today and see how easy it is to get the financing you need.

How do I apply for a motorcycle loan Kenya

Motorbike loans Kenya

Making a large purchase such as a motorcycle can be daunting, especially if you do not have the cash on hand to buy it outright. A great way to finance your new bike is through a motorcycle loan. Applying for a motorcycle loan is easy, and there are many lenders that offer these loans. Here are some tips on how to apply for and get approved for a motorcycle loan. 

First, find a lender that offers motorcycle loans. There are many banks, credit unions, and online lenders that offer these types of loans. You can also use websites like LendingTree to compare interest rates from different lenders. 

Next, gather the documents you will need to apply for the loan. This includes your driver’s license, proof of income and collateral in case of default. Most lenders require at least 20% downpayment on the purchase price of the motorcycle. 

Finally, If you decide to choose Mwananchi Credit to be your financier, our process is much easier in terms of the application process and time-saving. You can visit our website using your phone, or computer. Request a quote, or Apply and submit your application. Our sales team agents will receive your application and review it. Then you will receive a call with the next steps you need to do in order to receive your loan. 

Requirements to qualify for a motorcycle loan Kenya

Like any other type of loan, Boda Boda or Motorbike loans requires a few details from the applicant. Here are what is needed for you to get a Motorcycle loan with Mwananchi Credit LTD. 

  • Coloured Passport Photo.
  • Copy of ID.
  • Copy of KRA Pin.
  • Six Months Certified M-Pesa Statement.
  • Three Guarantors (Provide ID copies, one guarantor to be a relative).
  • Applicant deposits KES.15,000, also known as a commitment fee. 

Benefits of Getting a Motorcycle Loan from Mwananchi Credit 

Bodaboda loans Kenya

Applying for a motorcycle loan with Mwananchi Credit LTD comes with loads of advantages more especially the Kenyan youths. Mwannachi Credit proud itself with the following features 

  • You Get a Motorbike Comprehensive Insurance.
  • Bike fitted with a tracking device.
  • Low daily payment of KES 300 bob per day.
  • Longer repayment period of up to 18 Months 

FAQs on how to get a motorcycle loan in Kenya 

What kind of loan can I get for a motorcycle?

Motorcycle loans are usually secured loans, which means they must be backed up with collateral – in this example, the motorcycle itself. If you fail to make payments on a secured loan, your property may be repossessed by the lender.

How do I get a motorcycle in Kenya?

Mwananchi Credit requires a few details to finance your next Motorcycle, which includes
– Coloured Passport Photo.
– Copy of ID.
– Copy of KRA Pin.
– Six Months Certified M-Pesa Statement.
– Three Guarantors (Provide ID copies, one guarantor to be a relative).
– Applicant deposits KES.15,000, also known as a commitment fee.

How much is a motorcycle license in Kenya?

How much is a motorcycle license in Kenya?
A motorcycle license is only valid for three (3) months, however, it can be renewed for three months at a time by paying the authorized amount of Ksh 650. A price of Ksh 650 is payable for applying for a PDL through Kenya’s Government Service Portal E-Citizen E-Citizen NTSA.

How much is a motorcycle license in Kenya?
A motorcycle license is only valid for three (3) months, however, it can be renewed for three months at a time by paying the authorized amount of Ksh 650. A price of Ksh 650 is payable for applying for a PDL through Kenya’s Government Service Portal E-Citizen E-Citizen NTSA.

Contact details for Mwananchi Credit, the best provider of motorbike loans in East Africa and beyond.

Mwananchi Credit is a small profit microfinance institution that provides loans to common mwananchi. We offer the best rates on motorbike loans and also offers affordable insurance premium financing to clients. Customers can contact Mwananchi Credit at 0709-147-000 or email [email protected] for more information about our services. 

We provide: 

Motorbike Loans: We offer competitive interest rates and flexible terms so that you can buy your dream bike without any hassle! Call us today to find out if we have a loan available to fit your needs! 

Insurance Premium Financing: Keep your car protected with our low-cost insurance Premium policies, designed specifically for the Kenyan community. 


So what are you waiting for? Apply today!

If you want to get a motorcycle loan in Kenya, Mwananchi Credit is the company that can help. We’ve given all of our contact information so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like more information about taking advantage of this great offer. Don’t let your dreams be crushed because of lack of funds – we’ve got your back.  Now it’s time to take action and apply for one of these loans from Mwananchi credit!

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