Shimin Insurance Agency Online

Shimin Insurance Agency is a product of Mwananchi Credit Limited which facilitates Mwananchi clients to professional insurance advisory services and also avail convenient and accessible insurance policies.

Shimin Insurance Agency

Shimin Insurance Agency is a product of Mwananchi Credit Limited which facilitates Mwananchi clients to professional insurance advisory services and also avail convenient and accessible insurance policies.

Shimin Insurance Agency is licensed to carry out insurance business as an intermediary and has its headquarters at Eco Bank Towers, 10th Floor, Nairobi. Through establishing partnerships with various reputable insurance companies in the industry, the Agency has developed a full banquet of innovative insurance products and services that address the insurable needs of our customers and offer these services from across our branches in Kenya.

The main objective of the Insurance Agency is to facilitate access by our customers to professional insurance advisory services and also avail convenient and accessible insurance policies and claims service through the wide branch outreach. To this end, the agency has a team of well trained and professionally qualified staff and our services are well represented in our branches by a relationship officer.

Shimin Insurance Agency is licensed to carry out insurance business as an intermediary and has its headquarters at Eco Bank Towers, 10th Floor, Nairobi. Through establishing partnerships with various reputable insurance companies in the industry, the Agency has developed a full banquet of innovative insurance products and services that address the insurable needs of our customers and offer these services from across our branches in Kenya.

The main objective of the Insurance Agency is to facilitate access by our customers to professional insurance advisory services and also avail convenient and accessible insurance policies and claims service through the wide branch outreach. To this end, the agency has a team of well trained and professionally qualified staff and our services are well represented in our branches by a relationship officer.

Insurance Services Offered

Insurance Covers Include:

Our business is segmented along seven business pillars with each pillar having a range of products designed to suite our customers’ needs. The business pillars are:-

motor private, motor commercial, PSV, Tankers,

e.g. fire, burglary, fidelity guarantee, money, plate glass e.t.c

Medical for micro, SME, Corporates, scheme administration.

This covers cattle, poultry, sheep & goats, pigs, crops, greenhouses, forestry

Biashara Salama, motor cycle insurance, Tuk-tuks,

individual and group pension plans

education policies, individual & group life products

Visit Shimin Insurance Agency Website​

Find out more information about products and services offered by Shimin Insurance Agency (A Mwananchi Credit Project)

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Car Financing

Car Financing Kenya

You can obtain up to 25 Million Shilling loans. Apply today!

Do You Have A Car To Use As Collateral?

Yes, I Have A Car
No, I Don't Have A Car
Logbook Loans - Popup

Logbook Loans

You can obtain up to 25 Million Shilling loan.

Logbook Loans - Not Qualified

You MUST have logbook security in order to take out a logbook loan.

We would like to send you information about our other products if you provide us with your information.

Does your cheque meet all the requirements below?

Yes, It Does
No, It Doesn't
Cheque Discounting

Only corporate cheques are accepted.

The cheque is discounted to the maximum of 95% to allow for our commission.

Cheque Discounting - Not Qualified

Sorry, only corporate cheques are accepted.

We would like to send you information about our other products if you provide us with your information.

Are you a civil servant?

Yes, I Am
No, I'm Not
Check-Off Loans

Salary Check-Off Loans

Get Up To 3 Million Today !!!

Salary Check-Off - Not Qualified

You MUST be a civil servant in order to take out a salary check-off loans.

We would like to send you information about our other products if you provide us with your information.

Are You Planning To Purchase A Car Overseas?

Yes, I Am
No, I'm Not
Import Financing

Import Financing

You can obtain up to 25 Million Shilling loans.

Import Finance - Not Qualified

In order to take out an import Finance Loan, you MUST be importing a car or have logbook security.

We would like to send you information about our other products if you provide us with your information.

Do you possess a title deed?

Yes, I Have A Title Deed
No, I Don't Have A Title Deed
Title Deed Loans

Title Deed Loans

We offer title deeds loans on commercially developed properties 

Title Deed Loans - Not Qualified

You MUST have title deed security in order to take out a title deed loan.

We would like to send you information about our other products if you provide us with your information.

Have you decided on the vehicle you want to purchase at the car yard/showroom of your choice?

Yes I Have
No, I Haven't
Car Financing

Car Financing Kenya

You can obtain up to 25 Million Shilling loans. Apply today!

Car Finance - Not Qualified

You MUST first identify the car you wish to drive in any car yard or showroom in order to apply for car financing.

We would like to send you information about our other products if you provide us with your information.

CTA Button

Get A loan

You can get up to 25 Million Shillings in loans.

Salary Check-Off - Not Qualified

You MUST be a civil servant in order to take out a salary check-off loans.

We would like to send you information about our other products if you provide us with your information.

Are you a civil servant?

Check-Off Loans

Salary Check-Off Loans

Get Up To 3 Million Today !!!

Import Finance - Not Qualified

In order to take out an import Finance Loan, you MUST be importing a car or have logbook security.

We would like to send you information about our other products if you provide us with your information.

Import Financing

Import Financing

You can obtain up to 25 Million Shilling loans.

Do You Have A Car To Use As Collateral?

Car Financing

Car Financing Kenya

You can obtain up to 25 Million Shilling loans. Apply today!